I am in the very fortune position to be able to sit under the “teaching” of an exceptional man who recently took us through the process of a book that he is writing at the moment, soon to be released. I will let you know when it is out there, not sure exactly what the name of the book will eventually be called, but it is all about The Genesis Question. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but this question will unlock that question that got introduced to you that has insidiously been leaning you away from your God given destiny, it tears at the very core of who you are suppose to be and yet even in that God really does turn everything for good.
Then in Beth Moore’s Esther last night, Beth reminds me that God doesn’t cancel out what the enemy intended for evil, but God loves to take that very thing [and when we participate by leaning into the pain and allowing the growth to happen] He creates a Reversal of destiny with that very question the Father of lies offers to you, normally as a child and God turns it into a beautiful empowering question that not only sets you free but also enables you to empower others. I came across this video and it really spoke to me. What are the lies we buy? What are the questions we accept which lead us to conclusions that ultimately lead us to come back to the original question that rings out in the heart of man that leads us to doubt the goodness of a loving God. “Did God really Say?” Video link for run like a girl
My favourite part of this video is when the director asked the young lady, if she asked her to run like a girl would she do it different, she says “Yeah, I would run like myself”. One of the most powerful things I am learning on this journey as I peel back the layers of expectations and years of masks is the more I run like myself, the more beautiful, powerful and empowering I become. The more I become like God intended me to be, the more peace comes and the more “at one” I feel with the one who created me.
This question has changed my life! Something has shifted on the inside and it starting to play out on the outside.Could it really be this easy?
Free to be me.