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"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
Earnest Hemingway.


Trust is not fluffy!

Trust is not fluffy! In fact, it is hard, which is why many avoid it.

This month I want to dive into the remarkable benefits of vulnerability-based trust within your team and how it can unleash the power of authenticity. It is the foundation of any successful team, and by embracing vulnerability, we can foster deeper connections, enhance collaboration, and achieve extraordinary results. So, let's have a look at some of the advantages of vulnerability-based trust together!

1.       Building Stronger Connections:

When team members are willing to show vulnerability, they create an environment where others feel safe and accepted. By sharing our fears, doubts, and insecurities, we foster deeper connections and build authentic relationships. This open and honest atmosphere helps break down barriers, reduces unhealthy conflicts, and promotes a sense of belonging within the team.

2.       Encouraging Open Communication:

Vulnerability-based trust encourages open and transparent communication. Team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions, ideas, and concerns, knowing that they won't be judged or ridiculed. This level of trust enables constructive feedback, healthy debates, and the sharing of diverse perspectives, leading to better decision-making and innovation.

3.       Fostering Collaboration:

When team members trust each other enough to be vulnerable, they are more likely to collaborate effectively. They willingly seek support and assistance from their colleagues, as they know they will be met with empathy and understanding. This collaboration enhances problem-solving, encourages creative thinking, and boosts overall productivity.

4.       Embracing Growth and Learning:

Vulnerability allows us to step outside our comfort zones and take risks. By sharing our failures and mistakes, we create an environment where learning and growth are celebrated. Team members feel empowered to experiment, try new approaches, and embrace continuous improvement, leading to personal and professional development for everyone involved. 

5.       Strengthening Resilience:

In a team that practices vulnerability-based trust, challenges and setbacks are seen as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. When team members are open about their struggles, they can support and uplift each other during difficult times. This collective resilience helps the team bounce back stronger, learn from setbacks, and persevere through adversity.

6.       Enhancing Innovation and Creativity:

By fostering vulnerability-based trust, teams unlock the full potential of their members' creativity and innovation. When individuals feel safe to express unconventional ideas or take calculated risks, groundbreaking solutions and fresh perspectives emerge. This atmosphere of trust allows the team to push boundaries, think outside the box, and find novel approaches to problem-solving.

Remember, vulnerability-based trust is a two-way street. It requires each team member to be open, empathetic, and supportive of others. And the leader must go first. The responsibility of the leader is to create a path for others to follow. By embracing vulnerability, we can create a team culture that thrives on authenticity, collaboration, and growth and who doesn’t want that?

Let's strive to create a team that embraces vulnerability-based trust, where every member feels valued, heard, and supported.

Do you feel your team is comfortable with this level of trust?  Keen on some help with this?  Give me a shout, let’s have a coffee.


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